In our previous post; A Closer Look At Replica Celine Bags, we have talked about the Alma Chain Flower Monogram Bag too. But we want to give you more in depth details because this bag certainly needs to be on your wish list.
Time-tested and the house’s most iconic bag, I think it doesn’t hurt to store two or even three Alma Bag in your wardrobe. Crafted in 1934, with more than 80 years of history, this bag will probably never go out-of-style. Pass it to your grand daughter in the future.
The pattern ‘Replica Celine Bags’ has just been recently introduced for the Spring 2016 Collection and it’s like the modern version of the original Monogram pattern. The Alma Bag is also embossed with grained Epi Leather, which is also another beautiful cover. The motif creates textural contrasts that give the bag a fashionable richness Hermes Replica Bags.
What’s more, it comes with a removable leather strap, 2 torron handles, key bell and padlock. The interior features an inside flat pocket and it’s refined with metallic studs on the bottom edges.