Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but we accept pearls as well. After the Yves Saint Laurent Replica Handbags and the Yves Saint Laurent Bow Pearl Bag, the fashion house is going to maximize the ‘Pearl’ Embellishment on the latest GG Marmont Matelasse Bag.
When we say ‘max’, we literally mean ‘max’ – on every spot possible, Yves Saint Laurent has put a pearl on it. When slinging this on your shoulder, it’s very notable and attractive. Your audience will be fascinated by the amount of shine these pearls give you.
The Yves Saint Laurent Replica Handbags is the brand’s latest ‘hot’ bag. It has been promoted heavily and the fashion world adores it. The Pearl edition is the newest version.
Designed with matelassé quilting, the oversized pearls are embellished on the front as well as the back. Besides that, the bag is also beautified with studs. And even the GG signature logo on the front flap is made with pearls, how fashionable can this bag be.
The chain is large and stealing the spotlight. Imagine carrying such boyish chain on your shoulder bags – the evening is all about you Replica Fendi Bags.
The interior features an open pocket for larger phones, the flap is created with a spring closure. Measuring 8.5’ x 5’ x 2.5’ (W x H x D) inches, priced at $1790 USD, €1490 euro, £1210 GBP,
Showcased on the Spring Summer 2020 Runway show, the Yves Saint Laurent Replica Handbags should be the next thing to be on your radar.
It’s a small fashion piece, but already it’s the big topic in the fashion world. This Lipstick Pouch includes a chain to wear around the neck. It’s made from leather, featuring the double G logo on the front. Basically, it’s a very cute object that anyone wants to need to have, but what about the price?
This Lipstick Case has just been released. It measures 3 x 8.5 x 2.5 (D x H x W) cm, and is priced at $2700 HKD, $290 USD, €250 EUR, £235 GBP via Yves Saint Laurent boutiques